简体中文 / Chinese

We provide information in your language to help you learn more about our payments and services.



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生育宝宝 / Having a baby

成长 / Growing up

儿童健康与安全 / Child health and safety

分居父母 / Separated parents

住房 / Housing

婚恋关系变化 / Relationship changes

家庭暴力 / Family and domestic violence

移居澳大利亚 / Moving to Australia

离境 / Going overseas

自然灾害 / Natural disaster

退休年份 / Retirement years

获得养老服务 / Getting aged care services

最近失业 / Recently unemployed

找工作 / Looking for work

工作 / Working

管理财务 / Managing your money

中小学 / School

学徒培训 / Apprenticeship

就医 / Seeking medical help

残疾生活 / Living with disability

照护他人 / Caring for someone

亲友离世 / Death of a loved one

Page last updated: 3 March 2022.
QC 61667