Planning long term

We have resources that can help you with long-term planning when you’re unemployed.

Help with claiming early

You can start your JobSeeker Payment or Youth Allowance for job seekers claim up to 13 weeks before your circumstances change. You can do this before:

  • you lose your job
  • your work hours reduce.

Help with paying bills

When you’re unemployed, keeping on top of bills and other expenses can be stressful. We provide information that can help you manage your bills.

Help getting back to work

We have resources to help you look for work or re-enter the workforce when you’ve found your job.

Find information about how we can help when you’re looking for work.

Help with a career change

This might be a great time to learn a new skill or study. We have information to support you if you choose to:

Help with your mental health

Being unemployed can be a stressful time. We have information to help you with the cost of some mental health treatments. We can help you find support online and by phone.

Page last updated: 31 October 2024.
QC 60069