on this page
- Step 1. Register for an individual Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account
- Step 2. Register for the Health Systems Developer Portal
- Step 3. Log in to the portal
- Step 4. Invite your staff to the portal
- Step 5. Begin developing products
- Step 6: Preliminary testing
- Step 7. Integration testing
- Step 8. Your customers need to register with eBusiness
To develop software for us, you need to register for the Health Systems Developer Portal.
The portal is a secure platform that lets you access licensed development material and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). You can use the portal to help with product development and testing.
Only a legally authorised officer, for example, a director, can register the organisation in the portal. After you register your organisation, you can invite your staff members.
For detailed instructions about how to register, go to the portal, select Register your organisation, then download the Registration guide.
The following steps are the generic process for developing integrated software for:
- Medicare Online
- Electronic Claim Lodgement and Information Processing Service Environment (ECLIPSE)
- Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) Online
- Aged Care Online electronic claiming channels.
Step 1. Register for an individual Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account
To get started you’ll need to register for an individual PRODA account.
Read more about PRODA.
Step 2. Register for the Health Systems Developer Portal
After you register for an individual PRODA account, you can register your organisation in the Health Systems Developer Portal.
On the portal homepage, select Register your organisation. You’ll need to:
- provide your details and your organisation’s details
- enter your PRODA number
- provide details about your head office
- provide details about your production support office and software development office
- provide your email notification preferences
- enter your product platform type.
After we review your registration, we’ll send you an email with your portal log in details.
Step 3. Log in to the portal
Log in to the portal using your portal login details.
Before you can access development resources, you’ll need to read and accept the interface agreement. This agreement is a legal contract between your organisation and us.
We’ll send you an email after we process your agreement. This will confirm you can now access the technical resources.
Step 4. Invite your staff to the portal
You’ll need to decide what level of access you want to give your staff. There are 3 levels of access:
- administrator
- developer
- view only.
Your staff will get an email asking them to create a username and password. It can take up to 2 working days before they can access the portal and licensed information.
Step 5. Begin developing products
You’re now ready to start developing for web services.
The Online Technical Support (OTS) team helps software developers diagnose and resolve technical issues during development and production. This includes technical issues in the vendor environment.
There’s no set development timeframe. Contact the OTS team for assistance.
Step 6: Preliminary testing
We recommend you test your software product in-house. This helps resolve issues before integration testing and ensures your software product functions correctly.
Step 7. Integration testing
Integration testing verifies your software product works with our online claiming channels. Your software must pass all tests.
We’ll issue a Notice of integration (NOI) when we approve your software.
Once you get your NOI, you can use your approved software product to transmit claims.
Book in for integration testing through the portal.
Step 8. Your customers need to register with eBusiness
You must supply each of your customers with a Minor ID.
They’ll then need to register for the relevant claiming channel by completing one of the forms below:
Your customers can contact our eBusiness Service Centre for help.
Read more about:
- Register for Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service
- National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) and PKI.
You can contact the OTS team for advice on:
- new business
- online claiming
- PBS Online claiming
- Aged Care Online claiming
- Medicare Easyclaim
- HI Service
- My Health Record