Get a Centrelink payment

Find out about payments and services, setting up online accounts and claiming.

1: Guide to getting a Centrelink payment

This guide will ask you a question and, based on your answer, show you another question or result.

2: Are you an Australian citizen or permanent resident?

3: Payments for visa holders

If you’re living in Australia with an eligible visa, we have help to support you moving to Australia.

4: Do you have disability or a medical condition?

5: You may be eligible for Disability Support Pension

Disability Support Pension (DSP) is financial support if you have a permanent physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition that stops you from working.

To get Disability Support Pension, you need to meet both:

  • non-medical rules
  • medical rules.

To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Disability Support Pension.

6: Are you giving constant care to someone with disability, an illness or an adult who is frail?

7: You may be eligible for Carer Payment

Carer Payment is an income support payment if you give constant care to someone who has severe disability, an illness, or an adult who is frail aged.

To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Carer Payment.

8: Are you over 66?

9: You may be eligible for Age Pension

Age Pension is the main income support payment for people who have reached Age Pension age. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Age Pension.

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card is a concession card to get cheaper health care and some discounts if you’ve reached Age Pension age. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

10: Do you have any dependent children?

11: Payments for families

We have a range of payments which help with the cost of raising children. This can be your birth, foster or adopted child. It can also be a grandchild.

Family Tax Benefit is a 2 part payment that helps with the cost of raising children. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Family Tax Benefit.

Parenting Payment is the main income support payment while you’re a young child’s main carer. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Parenting Payment.

Parental Leave Pay is a payment for up to 18 weeks while you care for your new child. To check if you’re eligible, read more about Parental Leave Pay.

Child Care Subsidy helps with the cost of approved child care. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Child Care Subsidy.

Additional Child Care Subsidy gives some families extra help with child care fees. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Additional Child Care Subsidy.

12: Are you currently looking for work?

13: Payments for job seekers

Financial help while you’re looking for work or when you’re sick or injured and can’t do your usual work or study for a short time.

JobSeeker Payment is financial help if you’re between 22 and Age Pension age. You can get it while you’re unemployed and looking for work, or doing approved activities to find a job. It’s also for when you’re sick or injured and can’t do your usual work or study. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get JobSeeker Payment.

Youth Allowance for job seekers is an income support payment if you’re 21 or younger and looking for work. It's also for times you're unable to work. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Youth Allowance for job seekers.

Parenting Payment is an income support payment while you’re a young child’s main carer. This payment supports parents or guardians to help with the cost of raising children. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Parenting Payment.

14: Are you an apprentice, a trainee or studying?

15: Payments for students and trainees

Help for students, trainees and Australian Apprentices.

Youth Allowance for students and apprentices is financial help if you’re 24 or younger and studying or an Australian Apprentice. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Youth Allowance for students and apprentices.

Austudy is financial help if you’re 25 or older and studying or an Australian Apprentice. To check if you’re eligible, read about who can get Austudy.

ABSTUDY are a group of payments for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students or apprentices. Read more about ABSTUDY.

16: Other payments

We have other payments and services available. You can view all payments and services.

Page last updated: 22 December 2022.
QC 53372