Rent Assistance
A regular extra payment if you pay rent and get certain payments from us.
Crisis Payment for other extreme circumstances
You may get Crisis Payment if you’ve had to change where you live due to an unforeseen extreme circumstance.
A voluntary bill paying service which is free for Centrelink customers. You can use Centrepay to arrange regular deductions from your Centrelink payment.
Tertiary Access Payment
A payment to help students with the cost of moving from regional or remote areas for tertiary study.
Relocation Scholarship
A once a year payment if you get ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance. You must also need to move to or from a regional or remote area for higher education study.
Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can't go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs.
Crisis Payment for extreme circumstances family and domestic violence
You may be able to get Crisis Payment if you’ve experienced a family or domestic violence incident.
Special Benefit
A payment to help you if you’re in financial hardship and you’re not eligible for any other income support payment from us.
Mobile service centres
Our staff travel in mobile service centres (MSCs) to rural and regional areas to help people with our services and payments.
Farm Household Allowance
A payment for farming families in financial hardship.