Reducing or stopping your farming
If you’re no longer farming or your partner is no longer farming, you will no longer be eligible for this payment. If your situation has changed and your farm is no longer significantly used for commercial purposes, your payment will stop.
We can gear your Financial Improvement Agreement towards you improving your skills to find work in other areas. As you improve your skills and come off the payment, you may be eligible for income support, including:
- JobSeeker Payment if you’re looking for work
- Disability Support Pension if you’re not able to work due to a disability
- Family Tax Benefit and Parenting Payment if you’re raising children
- Low Income Health Care Card if you’re on a low income.
You may also be eligible for other benefits.
You can check to see if you’re eligible for our other payments and services. Use our Payment and Service Finder.
Preparing for retirement
If you’re thinking about retiring from farming you can get free financial information from our Financial Information Service (FIS). You can talk to FIS Officers at a service centre or by calling the Centrelink Older Australians Line.
They can give you details about succession planning and what to consider when you plan for retirement.
FIS Officers can help you apply for the Age Pension. They can also give you details about fees to do with moving into aged care facilities.
Ask a FIS Officer if your decision to retire affects your eligibility for Age Pension. You have to meet an income and assets test when you claim Age Pension. Your decisions about selling or handing over your farm to your family may impact this.
Read more about Age Pension and planning your retirement.
You can get free financial counselling about succession planning from the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS). You can find a Rural Financial Counsellor on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website.
Your Farm Household Case Officer can also refer you to a Rural Financial Counsellor.
Contact numbers available on this page.
Centrelink older Australians line
Use this line if you’re an older Australian and need help with your Age Pension or another service.
There are other ways you may want to contact us.