on this page
Historical care data
You can access up to 24 months of historical event data for each care recipient. If a care recipient’s event details were lodged using a paper form more than 24 months ago, it may not show in the portal. This includes entry and leave events.
You may also see inconsistent information between a submitted event and the claim if a manual adjustment has been processed. Up-to-date information will always show in the claim. If you need these details, contact us.
2-year variation rule
You have a limit of 2 years after the end of a payment period to change an event through the portal. If you need to make changes after the 2-year period, you’ll need to submit a manual request by email. Send your request to the aged care payments team with relevant supporting evidence.
When you send the email, write '2-Year Claim Variation Request’ in the subject line. You must include dates for any evidence you are using to support your variation request.
Subsidy adjustment
Caps are reconciled as part of monthly claims processing. If the cap is reached in the month being processed, the care recipient and service are notified after the claim is finalised.
Any delays in lodgement also delay the subsidy adjustment for a care recipient who has reached their cap.
We refund any payments made by a care recipient for the part of the month after the cap takes effect, where the subsidy adjustment hasn’t been made yet. We refund the amount in their next monthly review.