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The information on this page may not apply to you if you’re permanently blind and get DSP. Read about employment income reporting when you’re working while getting DSP.
Gross income is the amount you get before tax and other deductions. If your income changes, even by a small amount, you need to tell us.
Income can be money you get from any of the following:
- a job
- a source, like an investment
- a gift or allowance.
This also includes some special types of income specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
Read more about how we define income.
Income from employment
If you or your partner get paid employment income, you must report it to us.
If you have scheduled reporting, you must report any changes of circumstances during the period you’re reporting for when you report. This includes any employment income you or your partner have been paid.
If you don’t have scheduled reporting, you must tell us about any employment income you or your partner have been paid within 14 days, regardless of how much you or your partner have been paid.
If you have scheduled reporting, you must report by 5 pm on the day we ask you to report, even if you don’t have any employment income. If you report late your payment may be delayed or cancelled.
It’s important to check pre-filled information in your report before you submit it. Learn what you must do when we pre-fill your information.
If you report employment income and your total income reduces the amount we pay you to $0, a nil rate payment period will start. This helps you stay on a payment if your income changes.
If you’re getting ABSTUDY Living Allowance, there are different rules that apply to you for nil rate payment period. Read more about our income and assets tests for ABSTUDY.
If you’re getting Special Benefit, you’re unable to access a nil rate payment period and your payment may cancel.
To get more information read about income from employment.
Income from self employment
You must report self employment income to us, but you shouldn’t include it in your employment income report. You might know this as business income.
Read more about reporting income from self employment.
Other things to tell us about your income
Any voluntary superannuation contributions you make before tax count as income. You must tell us about this, so we pay you the right amount.
Reportable fringe benefits (RFB) are salary sacrifice amounts or non-monetary items you get on top of your income. RFB can impact your income reporting. If you accessed RFB, you need to tell us the dates. Find out more about Reportable fringe benefits for employees on the Australian Taxation Office website.
There are other things we need to know about your income. This will make sure we’re paying you the right amount.