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If you have a partner, we generally consider you a member of a couple. We define a relationship as any of the following:
- married
- in a registered relationship
- in a de facto relationship.
If you’re not sure whether you’re a member of a couple, we may need to assess your relationship.
It’s important to tell us when your relationship changes. If you don’t, we may pay you the wrong amount and you’ll have to repay the money. There may be other penalties.
To tell us about a change in your relationship, you may need to complete a form. The way you tell us will depend on which payment or service you get.
When you start a relationship
If you start a relationship, you’ll need to complete and return the partner details form. You need to do this if you get any payments or concession cards from us except Parenting Payment Single (PPS).
If you’re getting PPS, you’ll need to claim Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP).
Partner claims
If your partner is making an online claim, they may be able to make a claim for you at the same time. We call this a combined partner claim.
Your partner will be able to make a combined partner claim if they meet all the requirements. We’ll tell them in the claim if they can do this, and we’ll notify you if your partner has made a claim for you.
If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov, you can review the details your partner has given us. You can confirm your relationship status online.
If your partner claims a payment that isn’t a combined partner claim, you’ll need to confirm your relationship status with us.
When you separate
You need to tell us if you separate from your partner.
If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov, you can tell us online if you get any of the following payments:
- Age Pension
- Austudy
- Carer Payment
- Disabilty Support Pension
- JobSeeker Payment
- Youth Allowance for job seekers
- Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices.
If you can’t tell us online you can use the separation details form.
If you’ve told us about your separation as part of a new claim for a payment, you don’t need to use this form.
If you separate with children
We have information and can help with child support arrangements between separated parents.
If you’re getting Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP), you’ll need to lodge a claim for a different payment. If you’re the principal carer of a child under 14, you may be eligible for Parenting Payment Single (PPS).
If you only get a family payment and won’t be claiming another payment when you separate call us on the Families line.
Family payments include:
- Family Tax Benefit
- Child Care Subsidy.
If you’re living with someone you were previously in a relationship with
If you’re separated and live in the same house as your ex-partner, you need to tell us. You’ll each need to complete and return a Relationship details - Separated under one roof form, so we can assess if you’re a couple.
This form can’t be used to tell us of your separation. If you’ve separated from your partner you and your partner must tell us separately through myGov or using a separation details form.
If getting your partner to complete a Relationship Details form will put your safety at risk, they don’t need to complete this form. If you have any safety concerns with asking your ex-partner to complete it, please tell us on your form.
If you’re separated under one roof, we’ll need to regularly review your living arrangements. This is so we pay you the right amount.
Concerns about your safety
If you have concerns about your safety, we can help. We can support you if you or someone you care for are experiencing family and domestic violence. If you’re in, have left, or are preparing to leave this relationship, please talk with us.