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All approved child care services must comply with the law. If they don’t, they can’t get Child Care Subsidy on behalf of a family.
Read more about the Child Care Financial Integrity Strategy on the Department of Education website.
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) works with states and territories. They work together to assess children’s education and care services.
This includes overseeing the National Quality Framework (NQF). This is the national system for the regulation and quality assessment of approved child care services.
Read more about regulatory authorities in each state and territory. You can also read about the NQF on the ACECQA website.
You can provide feedback relating to your child care service. Make a complaint using the feedback tool on the Department of Education website.
Use the tool to provide feedback about either:
- a child care service
- a child care staff member
- the Child Care Subsidy rules.