Track your claim for a student payment
You can check the progress of Youth Allowance, Austudy and some ABSTUDY claims online.

Claim ABSTUDY Fares Allowance if you’re studying away from home in 2025
ABSTUDY Fares Allowance can help with the cost of travelling between home and where you live while you’re studying.

Free Superannuation for women webinar
Join our live Financial Information Service (FIS) webinar for women to learn how to plan for your financial future.

You can get someone to help with Centrelink, when you start study
Starting study is a big step. If you need help with Medicare, Centrelink or Child Support you can ask someone to act for you until you find your feet.

Fares Allowance can help you with the costs to travel for study
If you need to travel between your permanent home and place of study, you may be eligible to claim Fares Allowance.

Payments to help with the cost of moving for study or training
You could get an extra payment from Centrelink if you need to move away from home to study, train or do an Australian Apprenticeship.

Applications for the Australian Government Indigenous Apprenticeships Program are now open!
Have you just finished school or looking for a career change?

Student Start-up Loan (SSL) applications are open now
You can take out a SSL up to twice a year if you’re getting an eligible student payment.

Keeping your SmartCard safe
Your SmartCard is like having money in your wallet. Treat it like cash and keep it safe.

Keep more of your student payment with Income Bank
Income bank helps you keep more of your Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY payments.