Most useful information for Living with disability

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  1. Disability Support Pension
  2. Who can get it

Before claiming Disability Support Pension

We can help you work out if you may be able to get Disability Support Pension (DSP).

  1. Top payments
  2. Disability Support Pension

How we assess your claim for Disability Support Pension

When you claim Disability Support Pension (DSP), we assess if you meet both non-medical and medical rules.

  1. Top payments
  2. Disability Support Pension

How much you can get - Disability Support Pension

How much Disability Support Pension (DSP) you can get depends on your age and living conditions.

  1. Income and assets tests
  2. Assets test

Asset types

Assets are property or items you or your partner own in full or part, or have an interest in. They can affect your payment.

  1. Disability Support Pension
  2. How much you can get

Payment rates for Disability Support Pension

How much Disability Support Pension (DSP) you can get depends on your situation.

  1. Living with disability
  2. Most useful information

Consent to disclose medical information form (SA472)

Use this form to confirm that you consent to your treating health providers disclosing relevant information about your disability or medical conditions to us.

  1. Non-medical rules
  2. Income and assets tests

Income test for Disability Support Payment

Your income can reduce how much we pay you. We use the pension income test to assess Disability Support Pension (DSP).

  1. Disability Support Pension
  2. Who can get it

Non-medical rules for Disability Support Pension

You need to meet all the non-medical rules to get Disability Support Pension (DSP).

  1. Disability Support Pension
  2. How to claim

Supporting documents for Disability Support Pension

We’ll ask you for some documents to support your claim for Disability Support Pension.

  1. Assets test
  2. Asset types

Funeral bonds and prepaid funerals

Funeral costs you pay for in advance normally don’t count in your assets test for payments from us. There are some exceptions.

Search results summary and pagination

235 results, showing 1 to 10
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60188