Intrastate - King Island and the Furneaux Group

The King Island and Furneaux Group intrastate component applies to intrastate sea freight shipped between the Bass Strait islands and the mainland of Tasmania.

Eligible claimants

To be eligible to claim shipments of intrastate goods you must have incurred and paid the cost of shipping between the Tasmanian mainland and either King Island or the Furneaux Group. In most cases, you will be the seller or the buyer of the goods.

To claim some intrastate shipments from the Tasmanian mainland you must also be determined by us to be mainly engaged in manufacturing, mining, agriculture, forestry or fishing on King Island or the Furneaux Group.

You can contact Transport and freight services for further information about eligibility.

Eligible goods

The following are eligible intrastate goods:

  • goods produced or manufactured on the main island of Tasmania for permanent use or sale on King Island or the Furneaux Group.
  • goods produced or manufactured on King Island or the Furneaux Group for permanent use or sale on the main island of Tasmania.
  • raw materials or equipment produced or manufactured on the main island of Tasmania for use in the claimant’s manufacturing or mining processes on King Island or the Furneaux Group.
  • material inputs, machinery, implements or equipment produced or manufactured on the main island of Tasmania for use in the claimant’s agriculture, forestry or fishing activities on King Island or the Furneaux Group.

Goods that are deemed ineligible under the intrastate part of the Scheme are also ineligible under the King Island and Furneaux Group intrastate component.

Eligible sea freight routes

The sea freight routes eligible for assistance under the King Island and Furneaux Group intrastate component of the Scheme are between both:

  • any port on King Island and any port on the main island of Tasmania
  • any port in the Furneaux Group and any port on the main island of Tasmania.

Available assistance

We calculate the assistance payable under the King Island and Furneaux Group intrastate component of the Scheme using the same parameters and methodology applied to processing interstate claims under the Scheme, except for the following:

  • goods moved between King Island and the main island of Tasmania, where the road freight equivalent (RFE) cost is $675 per 20 foot equivalent (TEU) for dry freight and $742 per TEU for reefer freight
  • goods moved between an island in the Furneaux Group and the main island of Tasmania, the RFE cost is $259 per TEU for dry freight and $285 per TEU for reefer freight.

The maximum level of assistance, including an intermodal allowance of $100, is $855 per TEU. The RFE costs have been determined on the basis of transporting goods by road over an equivalent distance of 300 kilometres between King Island and Devonport, and of 115 kilometres between Flinders Island and Bridport.

Page last updated: 3 March 2022.
QC 26561