International forms

Forms you need to claim a Centrelink payment or apply for a child support assessment if you live outside Australia.

Centrelink forms if you live outside Australia

You can claim a Centrelink payment if you’re living in a country we have an agreement with. If you claim a Centrelink payment while living in a country we don’t have an agreement with, we’ll reject it.

You can submit a claim up to 13 weeks early. If you’re eligible, we’ll normally pay you from the date you submit your claim or are eligible. We’ll pay you from whichever is the later date. Call one of our International numbers to tell us that you’re going to make a claim. Submit your claim as soon as possible after you call us. That way we can pay you from the earliest possible date.

The forms you need to complete depend on the payment you’re claiming. If you live overseas, download the relevant claim forms from the list below. Fill them in and submit them with the pension fund or social security office in the agreement country. They will help you to confirm your identity and copy original documents. The details are on the form.

Claim forms

If you want to claim an Australian payment, you must complete both these forms.

Claim for Australian Pension from an agreement country form (AUS140)

Income and assets form (MODIA)

If you want to claim Australian Disability Support you must also complete these forms.

You don’t need to fill in the Treating Doctor’s Report for some countries. The Claim for Australian Pension from an agreement country form will tell you if you need to fill it in.

Work Capacity - Customer information form (AUS142)

Treating Doctor’s Report - outside Australia form (AUS109)

If you want to claim Australian Carer Payment you must also complete these forms.

Assessment for Carer Payment form (AUS156)

Health Professional Assessment for Carer Payment form (AUS156A)

Other forms

You need to confirm you’re in a country we have an agreement with.Certification of location in a country with which Australia has a social security agreement form (AUS172)
You want someone else to act on your behalf.Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf (outside Australia) form (AUS221)
We can pay your Centrelink payment into your overseas bank account.International bank account forms (AUS178)
We need to confirm your periods of working life residence in Australia.Verification of working life residence in Australia (AUS027)
You need to tell us about your partner if you’re claiming an Australian payment.Partner details form (AUS174)

Child Support forms if you live outside Australia

You can apply for an Australian child support assessment if you live outside Australia. To do this, download the International application for an Australian child support assessment form. Fill it in and return it to us or the court or authority in your country. The details are on the form.

If you live in New Zealand

Different rules apply for child support if you’re living in New Zealand. Read about child support between Australia and New Zealand. Read more about child support on the New Zealand Inland Revenue website.

If you need help please call child support on one of our Child Support international lines.

Forms if you live in Australia

If you live in Australia, you should use these forms instead:

Page last updated: 23 May 2024.
QC 26076