on this page
What information you need to give us
Each year, you need to tell us all these things:
- the annual amounts you charge for board and tuition
- details of any ABSTUDY students who get a scholarship and how much this reduces their board and tuition each year
- details of any ABSTUDY students who no longer get scholarship.
How to provide the information
We’ll email in Term 4 asking you to complete a form with these details by a certain due date.
Please complete the form and return it by email to the National Business Gateway.
Hostels should liaise with schools to provide the annual tuition amount on their behalf . This also applies to boarding schools that manage the boarding house separately from the school.
Why we need these details
ABSTUDY provides support for boarding and tuition fees. It’s important you provide these details because we can’t cover more than the fees you tell us about.
If you don’t provide the current details, we’ll use the details from the previous year. This could mean we don’t pay the right amount of ABSTUDY.
How much we pay
We can only pay the maximum amount of ABSTUDY a student is eligible for. If the fees are more than this amount, we can’t pay the full fees.
Fees we don’t cover
ABSTUDY doesn’t cover any of these things:
- costs of stationery or school clothing, including sports or special clothing
- incidental expenses incurred by a student, like purchases from the school shop
- charges for laundry or buying bed linen
- levies for a Parents and Citizens Association or similar group
- contributions to school building funds, even if they’re compulsory or refundable
- insurance cover for school related activities.