Change of circumstances

You must tell us if things change as it may affect your ABSTUDY payment.

If you don’t tell us about changes you could end up with a debt.

You need to tell us about any changes to your circumstances within 14 days. This includes your parents’ or guardians’ and partners’ circumstances.

If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov, sign in now and select My details to tell us about changes to your circumstances.

Sign in to myGov

You can also tell us using either:

Read more about what you can do using self service.

If you don’t have access to a self service option please call the Centrelink ABSTUDY line.

If you don’t tell us, it may affect your payment. You may need to pay back money we’ve paid you. If you deliberately don’t tell us about the changes, we could charge you with fraud. Read more about how to avoid committing fraud.

What changes you need to tell us about

The type of changes you need to tell us about if you get ABSTUDY depend on your situation. You may need to tell us about work, study, income or family changes.

Work, study, income and assets

It’s important you tell us about any changes. These include changes to your:

  • study, including changes to your course, institution or if you stopped studying or didn’t start studying
  • apprenticeship or traineeship, including no longer being a full time Australian Apprentice or reducing your study or training workload
  • employment, including changes to your work hours or start or stop work or change jobs
  • assets
  • income, including changes to your pay, if you get income from outside Australia or compensation, leave or redundancy payments.

If you’re reporting income to us for the first time, contact us. We’ll set up self service options for you.

You also need to tell us if you start or stop getting other financial help to complete your course or apprenticeship.


You need to tell us if your personal situation changes.

If your home situation changes, you need to tell us about things like:

  • changes to your address or contact details
  • if you move back to your parents’ or guardians’ home
  • if you move into or out of long term care, like a nursing home or hostel.

If your family situation changes, you need to tell us about things like if:

  • you marry or start living with your partner
  • you separate from your partner
  • your dependent child or immediate family member dies
  • you have a child or take care of another person’s child
  • your dependent child leaves your care or gets a pension, benefit or allowance
  • your dependent child is in custody on remand, in a psychiatric institution or in prison.

If you get Rent Assistance there are some specific changes you need to let us know about. Tell us if you:

  • stop paying rent, or the amount of rent you pay changes
  • start paying rent to a state, territory or Commonwealth Housing Authority
  • move in with your parent or guardian.

You’ll need to provide proof of your rental arrangements to get Rent Assistance.


Tell us if your partner starts or stops working, has income or assets changes or dies.

Parents or guardians

Tell us if your parents or guardians:

  • change their address
  • marry or start living with their partner
  • separate from their partner
  • have changes to their income
  • have a dependent child who leaves or comes into their care
  • are, or are no longer, in custody, a psychiatric institution, nursing home or similar.

Changes you don’t need to tell us about

You don’t need to tell us if you’re in lawful custody. The correctional institution will let us know.

Contact numbers available on this page.

Centrelink ABSTUDY line

Use this line if you get or are claiming ABSTUDY – help for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and apprentices.

Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm

If your payment has stopped, it may be because we need your parents’ or guardians’ income information. Read more about how they can update their income details online.

If you need help with another student payment call the Youth and Students line.

There are other ways you may want to contact us.

Page last updated: 3 December 2024.
QC 45496