Proof of payment for a Medicare claim
You need to give us proof of payment to support your Medicare claim.
Documents to enrol in Medicare if you’re a New Zealand citizen
You need to provide documents that prove your identity and residency.
Documents to enrol in Medicare if you've applied for permanent residency
You need to provide documents that prove your identity and residency.
Verified and unverified payments
Verified payments count towards your thresholds, while unverified payments don’t.
How to register for Medicare Safety Nets
You can register for Medicare Safety Nets as a family or couple.
Enrolling in Medicare
Find out how to enrol in Medicare.
Documents to enrol in Medicare if you’re a permanent resident
You need to provide documents that prove your identity and residency.
How to enrol in Medicare
How to enrol and get started in Medicare.
How to get a digital Medicare card
You can access and use a digital copy of your Medicare card as soon as you enrol.
Have your own Medicare card and number if you’re 15 or older and enrolled in Medicare
You can get your own Medicare card and number if you’re 15 or older and enrolled in Medicare.