How much you can get on the Continence Aids Payment Scheme
Information about how much you can get, how we pay and why it won’t count as income.
Who can get the Continence Aids Payment Scheme
You need to meet eligibility for the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS).
Home Care Package - Calculation of your cost of home care form (SA456)
Use this form to give us your financial details. Don’t use this form if you get a relevant income support payment.
Residential Aged Care Property details for Services Australia and DVA customers form (SA485)
Use this form to give us your home details if you get a relevant income support payment.
Residential Aged Care Calculation of your cost of care form (SA457)
Use this form to give us your financial details. Don’t use this form if you get a relevant income support payment.
Residence rules for the Continence Aids Payment Scheme
To be eligible for the Continence Aids Payment Scheme you must meet residency requirements.
Aged care calculation of your cost of care if you get an income support payment
We may have your financial details if you get a relevant income support payment from us or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
You own your own home for an aged care calculation of your cost of care
If you own the home you live in and you’re moving into aged care, we need to know about it.
Aged Care Carer or close relative assessment form (SA483)
Use this form to give us your details if you’re a carer or close relative of someone moving into an aged care home.
Residence descriptions
You usually need to be an Australian resident or hold a specific visa type to get a Centrelink payment or concession card.