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Information in our budget may affect Medicare, Centrelink and Child Support customers.
View our contract listing for the Senate Order on Entity Contracts.
Gifts and benefits register
We maintain a list of gifts and benefits accepted by staff in the course of their duties.
Our annual procurement plan (APP) outlines our expected procurement activity over the next 12 months. Access our APP from AusTender’s Annual Procurement Plan List on the AusTender website. This meets the Commonwealth Procurement Rules.
We follow guidelines for handling procurement complaints. Read more about what to do if you have a procurement complaint and how we’ll handle it.
When we issue public interest certificates
The Commonwealth Procurement Rules and the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 govern our procurement complaint handling process.
We can issue a public interest certificate (PIC) to allow a procurement to continue if there’s a relevant complaint. We can do this at any stage of the procurement, including before we receive a complaint. We do this when it’s not in the public interest to stop a procurement while we investigate the complaint. Our Chief Executive Officer or delegate signs a PIC.
If you use assistive technology and can’t access our certificates, please email procurement.complaints@servicesaustralia.gov.au. We’ll help you access them.
Services Australia has issued the following PICs:
- Issued 16 December 2024 - Provision of Furniture
- Issued 21 May 2024 - Off-site Scanning Services
- Issued 24 April 2024 - Plastic Card Production and Distribution Services
- Issued 3 January 2024 - Network Transformation Partner (NTP) Services
- Issued 29 November 2023 - Creative and Digital Communication Services
- Issued 17 March 2023 - Provision of Contracted Decision Makers - Child Support Services
- Issued 1 July 2022 - Access to Cash for Centrelink Customers
- Issued 11 May 2022 - Cloud hosting platform for GovERP Technology Platform
- Issued 20 July 2021 - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Stationery Products
- Issued 10 June 2020 - Valuation and Estimation Services and Indexation Product
- Issued 30 May 2019 - Entitlements Calculation Engine.
Purchase orders
We make payments to suppliers for the purchase of goods and services using purchase orders and corporate credit cards.
Review of procurement and contracting
The Independent Review of Services Australia and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Procurement and Contracting examined the procurement processes leading to the award of contracts to Synergy 360 and associated entities.
The review ran from December 2022 to March 2023.
The mere inclusion of an entity within the scope of the review does not of itself imply any wrongdoing on the part of the entity or its employees, nor does it necessarily imply a shortcoming in the process leading to the award of a contract to the entity. The review focused on internal agency practices and processes and the conduct of Services Australia and NDIA officials in undertaking the relevant procurements.
The 2 reports from the Independent Review are:
- the Independent Review of Services Australia and NDIA Procurement and Contracting: Independent Reviewer’s Report
- the Independent Review of Services Australia and NDIA Procurement and Contracting: Independent Reviewer’s Report
- the Independent Review of Services Australia and NDIA Procurement and Contracting: Taskforce Report to the Independent Reviewer
- the Independent Review of Services Australia and NDIA Procurement and Contracting: Taskforce Report to the Independent Reviewer.
We advertise requests for tender and other business opportunities open to the market on the AusTender website.
Go to the AusTender website for both:
- details on tenders
- information on how to download tender documents.