When you live overseas

How to make sure you stay informed and up-to-date when you’re living overseas.

Living and working overseas

At any time there’s around one million Australians living and working overseas. Properly preparing for a long stint outside Australia will make the transition less stressful. Read Going overseas to live or work on the smartraveller website for more information.

Keep us up-to-date

You need to tell us about changes to your circumstances. The same rules still apply if you’re living overseas and receiving a payment from us.

You can keep us up to date using your Centrelink online account linked to myGov. You should set this up before you go as you may not be able to set up your Centrelink online account after you leave Australia.

If you can’t access your Centrelink online account, you can call one of our international numbers to let us know about the change in your circumstances.

Get Australian Pension information

If you’re a pensioner living outside Australia and getting a Centrelink payment, read Australian Pension News for the latest information.

Your tax and super obligations

If you’re living outside of Australia, you may have different tax, super and reporting obligations. The Australian Taxation Office website has information about Australians living overseas tax and super obligations.

Your voting responsibilities

Enrol to vote

As an Australian citizen there are a range of voting options available if you’re living overseas.

Find out more about overseas enrolment on the Australian Electoral Commission website.

Voting from overseas

If you’re overseas during a federal election, by-election or referendum, you may be able to vote in-person at an overseas voting centre or vote by post. If you’re an Australian citizen overseas and want to vote, we recommend you act quickly when an election is called.

Find out more about voting options from overseas on the Australian Electoral Commission website.

Be COVID-19 safe

If you’re an Australian deciding whether to stay overseas long term, there are things you need to consider. The smartraveller website has COVID-19 advice when you’re staying overseas.

Page last updated: 2 December 2024.
QC 62341