Using Child Support Business Online Services

Instructions on how to manage Child Support deductions for up to 15 employees.

Sign in

You can sign in to Child Support Business Online Services from any page on the website by selecting the myGov drop down menu.

Choose Child Support Business Online from the list.

On the Employer and financial institutions login for Child Support Business Online page enter your Login ID and password.

We’ll ask you to accept the terms and conditions and to change your password.

The welcome page shows a list of items for your attention.

Confirm employment

From time to time we ask you to confirm a person’s employment. This message will appear on the welcome page. You can confirm a person’s employment using your online services account. You don’t need to call or send a fax, simply update this online.

Click on the request for information. On the Confirmation of a Person’s Employment EF1 page select a name from the list and follow the instructions on each page.

Once you have completed the steps, check that the Summary of Entered Details is correct.

If you need to correct any items, click the Previous button to go back to earlier screens. If the information is correct select Submit. You’ll receive confirmation that it has sent to us.

Report deductions

To get started, select Payroll Deductions from the menu.

On the Deduction Report Summary page, select the pay period by clicking on the month.

Select individual or multiple pay dates, then click View Paydate Details.

Enter the deduction amounts against each employee name. If the amount deducted is different to the amount expected, enter a Variation Reason from the drop down box. Then click Check Entries.

Your entries will be checked. You then click Submit to CSA.

Payment options

To view payment options select Payroll Deductions from the menu, then Payment Options.

Organise and print letters

Select Letters List from the menu. You can view, organise and print most Child Support letters online. Letters are available in HTML and PDF format.

Manage system users

Your online account can be accessed by several users. Select Manage Users from the menu to view and manage your user accounts. Account users can have different levels of access.

To create a new user ID type in the new user’s given name, family name and email address. Tick the box to make the user an administrator or to receive email notifications. Select Create User.

Password changes

Select Change Password from the menu. Type in your current password and then type in your new password. Click Change Password.

Help and support

If you need help with Child Support Business Online Services or have an enquiry, you can ask your questions online. Select Messages from the menu at the left of the screen, then Contact Us.

For example, if you have a question about letters, payments or accounts, select the General enquiry option.

You can also attach a file to your enquiry if you need to provide additional information.

View history

To see a record of your online transactions, select History from the menu at the left of the screen, then Activity Summary.

Page last updated: 19 April 2024.
QC 63929