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We need the following supporting documents to process your Medicare claim:
- invoices for the services you want to claim
- proof of payment if you paid for the services in full.
If you’re submitting your claim online, scan or take a photo of your document before you make your claim. Make sure the images are clear enough for us to read.
We can’t accept online claims for services over 2 years old. If you have a claim for services over 2 years old, claim either by mail or at a service centre.
If you’re submitting your claim by mail or at a service centre, you need to provide the original accounts and receipts for the service you’re claiming.
Check if your doctor has already submitted your claim
Some doctors can submit your claim on your behalf, after you’ve paid for your service. If this is the case, you don’t have to make a claim.
If your doctor submits your claim, you may have one of the following documents:

Check the bank account you’ve registered with us, in case we’ve already paid you.
Types of proof of payment
Your proof of payment has to show all of the following:
- the actual amount you paid
- the date you paid
- the practice you visited to receive the service
- a receipt or confirmation number.
Talk to your doctor if you don’t have proof of payment, but have paid your invoice in full.
We only accept the following as proof of payment:
- AusPost receipt
- Bank transfer receipt
- BPAY receipt
- BPOINT receipt
- Net bank transfer receipt
- Official health professional receipt
- PayPal receipt
- Thermal credit card or debit card EFTPOS receipt.
Taking a good image
To process your claim we need clear images of your documents. The images needs to be in PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP format and less than 5MB in total.
To take a clear image remember to do the following:
- separate pages if they’re stapled together
- place individual pages on a flat surface in a well-lit area
- make sure we can see all the information on the page
- make sure you don’t have objects blocking the documents.