Steps to apply to give an assurance of support
1. Get ready to apply
Check if you’re eligible to give an assurance of support before you apply.
You can apply to set up a joint assurance with a maximum of 3 people. An organisation cannot enter a joint assurance.
You need to have a clear understanding of your role as an assurer. There are times when you can’t support an assuree and may need to pay us back money.
You’ll need to provide documents with your application. You should have these ready.
The best way to apply is online.
To apply online, you need a Centrelink online account linked to myGov. If you don’t have a myGov account or a Centrelink online account you’ll need to create them.
You may need to prove your identity with us before you start your claim.
2. Start your application
If you can apply online
If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov you can apply online.
To do this:
- Sign in to myGov.
- Select Payment and Claims from the menu, then Assurance of Support and follow the prompts to complete your application.
Each joint assurer must use the same joint application reference number. This will link each online application.
The first applicant will need to:
- select Yes when asked Is this application a part of a Joint Assurance of Support?
- add the joint applicant who will also apply to give the assurance of support.
When they submit the assurance of support application, the first applicant will get a joint application reference number. This must be given to all joint applicants when they start their assurance of support application.
All people involved in a joint assurance must complete their online applications within 14 days after the first applicant. If they don’t, we will reject all the applications.
The application identification number will end if we reject your application.
When you apply online again, we will give you a new identification number.
If you can’t apply online
If you can’t apply online, you’ll need to print and complete a form.
if you’re applying under the Community Support Program, use the Application to provide an Assurance of Support for Community Support Program form.
If you’re not applying under the Community Support Program, use the Application to provide an Assurance of Support form.
When you complete the paper forms, you can send them via post:
Services Australia
PO Box 7800
CANBERRA BC ACT 2610Read about the Community Support Program on the Department of Home Affairs website.
3. Track your application
After you submit your application online, you’ll get a receipt telling you:
- your application was submitted
- the ID number of your application
- the date we estimate your claim will be complete
- a link to track its progress.
To track the progress of your application online, sign in to myGov and select Make a claim or view claim status.
You won’t be able to track your application online if you apply using a paper form.
You need to let the Department of Home Affairs know the progress of your application. It will assist with the visa application.
They’ll need details to identify the people willing to provide an assurance of support. These details include your:
- Customer Reference Number (CRN)
- full name
- date of birth.
You can find further details on the Department of Home Affairs website.
Find out the result
We’ll let you know the result of your application. We’ll send a message to your myGov Inbox.
If you don’t get electronic letters, we’ll send you a letter in the mail.
We’ll let the Department of Home Affairs know the results of your application. They’ll need it to finalise the visa application.
If we need more details, we’ll ask you for them.
If you think we’ve made a mistake you can ask us to review our decision.