When and how to tell us about your travel

When you get Family Tax Benefit, you may need to tell us if you or your child are leaving Australia.

You need to tell us if you or your child are leaving Australia and any of the following apply, you:

You can tell us about your travel plans and provide supporting documents online.

If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov, sign in now to do this. If you don’t have a myGov account or a Centrelink online account you’ll need to create them.

Sign in to myGov

We may ask you for supporting documents about your travel. If we do, you should give us your evidence supporting documents before you leave Australia. The documents you need to provide depend on your circumstances. If you don’t give us the evidence before you leave Australia, your payment may stop when you depart. If we’ve stopped your payment, we’ll reassess it once we get your supporting documents.

You can also use your online account to get information on how your travel could affect your payments and concession cards.

If you can’t use an online account, tell us your travel plans by either:

Australia’s immigration department will tell us when you or your child leave. They will also tell us when you or your child return.

Read more about payments while outside Australia.

Page last updated: 24 November 2023.
QC 61870