Services Australia is providing support services throughout the Queensland and New South Wales communities hit by the devastating floods. Emergency reserve staff have flown in from Melbourne, Hobart and other places. They have bolstered the support provided by local staff on the ground.
When water inundated the Lismore Service Centre, our staff rushed to set up in evacuation and recovery centres. A temporary Service Centre was established in Goonellabah which is providing in-person access to essential services and a social worker for support and counselling. The Mobile Service Centre, Blue Gum, was also deployed to Lismore to give residents a face-to-face service from a local car park.
Over the past three weeks, staff have been working weekends and overtime to assist customers with payments and services. Staff have also processed claims and connected people with emergency and mental health services.
At Woodburn in the Northern Rivers District, they saw more than 100 customers in one day. Our team was due to be there from roughly 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. However, our staff were still serving customers at 6 pm from the bonnet of our agency’s vehicle as it prepared to depart.
Service Officers have been there to calm and console those who have lost all their possessions. In return, they have often been overwhelmed by their community’s gratitude and appreciation. At Kingscliff TAFE, Michele described how their community has come together, sharing their sadness and pain, and finding humour amongst the trauma.
‘We were waved and cheered and thanked for being here. This brought tears to our eyes and we felt we were providing a warm and worthwhile service to people in need.’
Our Mobile Service Centres have visited communities where service centres have been damaged or are inaccessible. The Mobile Service Centre, Golden Wattle, was in Beenleigh, Queensland. Staff not only helped customers make Disaster Payment claims but extended refreshments and shelter from the heat.
Services Australia has coordinated with MPs and local community groups to secure additional servicing locations.
Community demographics always play a key part in our planning and we are utilising specialist servicing as well. This includes Indigenous and Multicultural Service Officers, and interpreters. We are also engaging Indigenous communities who may be reluctant to access recovery centres.
Our staff continue to receive positive feedback from customers. One customer praised Adele, a staff member at the Redcliffe Recovery Centre in Queensland, for exceeding expectations. Adele had personally accompanied her to the donations table, allaying the feelings of guilt or shame that trauma survivors often feel.
And on the phone lines, a customer provided this feedback: ‘The Service Officer was absolutely amazing. He went above and beyond to find any kind of assistance since I lost work due to the floods, but wasn’t eligible for relief payments. He was super empathetic and absolutely racked his brain to help me. He knew I couldn’t pay rent due to losing work because of the floods. You are an amazing person and I thank you so much for your service. It’s rare to feel like you’re genuinely listened to with these services and not just another job to complete. I appreciate all the work you’ve put into helping me!’
If you have been affected by the floods in NSW or QLD, visit the Natural disaster events page for information about available support.