General Practice in Aged Care Incentive

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive supports eligible providers and practices to deliver health care to permanent residents of aged care homes.

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) is available from 1 July 2024. Practices need to be registered in the Organisation Register, and providers need to be linked to their MyMedicare-registered practice.

Your practice needs to be eligible and registered in the Organisation Register. You need a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account to access HPOS as either an individual or an organisation. If you don’t have one, register for PRODA online.

To register for the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to PRODA to access HPOS on behalf of your organisation.
  2. Register for MyMedicare.
  3. Add practice bank account details.
  4. Add MyMedicare GPACI.
  5. Add the Incentive indicator and link the Responsible Provider to your patient’s MyMedicare profile.

If you’re a provider, you’ll need to add bank account details to the MyMedicare program by accessing HPOS as an individual.

Log in to PRODA

You can view reports in HPOS and track whether you’re meeting eligibility requirements.

In the Organisation Register Site Record:

  1. Under the Program Registration tab, go to Details for MyMedicare.
  2. Select Add under Banking Details.
  3. Enter new or choose existing bank account details, noting you may need to wait 24 hours before you can register for GPACI.
  4. Under the Program Registration tab, go to New Program, select MyMedicare GPACI.
  5. Select Add Program.
  6. Review details on the view only screen.
  7. Check declaration and select Save.

In HPOS on behalf of the Organisation site:

  1. Under the My programs tab, go to MyMedicare, then Patient List.
  2. Identify your patient and select Details from Patient Registration Details.
  3. From the New Incentive dropdown, select MyMedicare GPACI, then Add.

To set the incentive period:

  1. Under the Incentive period section, select Set period.
  2. Enter incentive period dates. You don’t have to choose an end date.
  3. Select Confirm.

You can’t link a Responsible Provider until you set the incentive start date.

To link a Responsible Provider:

  1. Under the Responsible Providers section, select Add.
  2. Select Responsible Provider.
  3. Enter Responsible Provider period. You don’t have to choose an end date.
  4. Select Confirm.
  5. Review details, check declaration, and select Save.
Page last updated: 17 September 2024.
QC 74316