Follow-up services

Provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients with follow-up services for preventative health care and education between health assessment consultations.

Follow-up services can include all the following:

  • Examinations and interventions written in the health assessment.
  • Education on medication compliance and related monitoring.
  • Checks on clinical progress and service access.
  • Education, monitoring and counselling activities and lifestyle advice.
  • Taking a medical history.
  • Preventative advice for chronic conditions and related follow-up.

In-patients of hospitals aren’t eligible.

Patients can have up to 10 follow-up services per calendar year.

You can also claim one of the following incentive items for bulk bill claims when claiming item 10987:

  • 10990 and 10991
  • 75855 - 75858.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners can also provide another service for the patient on the same day. For example, immunisation or wound management.

You can claim for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner services provided. If you need to see the patient, you can also claim a Medicare attendance item.

Page last updated: 15 June 2024.
QC 74187